Election Holiday Declaration for Staff


Election Holiday Declaration for Staff


All Staff of Good Shepherd Institutions,

Please be advised that in anticipation of the upcoming election scheduled for the 26th of April, the management of Good Shepherd Institutions has decided to declare a holiday on the 25th April. This holiday one day prior to election is to allow all staff members to use the opportunity to cast their votes in their respective constituencies.

Your vote is your voice, and it is essential to participate in the democratic process. By exercising your right to vote, you contribute to shaping the future of our nation. Every vote count, and your opinion matters. We encourage all staff members to prioritize their civic duty and actively participate in the election by casting their votes on the designated day.

All staff members are required to resume work on the morning of the 29th of April.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Managing Director

Good Shepherd Institutions.